Salvation Army’s Naval Ambitions Met With Tragic Ends

Salvation Navy crew members, pictured in Cardiff in 1888

Most people are familiar with the Salvation Army and their tireless charity work. Whether it’s their brass bands playing at summer fetes or performing Christmas carols in town centers, the Salvation Army is a staple of community spirit and generosity. However, few are aware of the Salvation Navy, a short-lived yet fascinating venture that began in Wales. This article explores the rise and fall of the Salvation Navy, a project inspired by faith, marked by ambition, and ultimately thwarted by misfortune.

In 1884, William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, expressed a desire to expand his evangelical mission to the sea. Coincidentally, Welsh industrialist John Cory was looking to offload a steam yacht he had bought for his wife, who was too nervous to sail it. Cory offered the SS Iole to Booth, and thus, the Salvation Navy was born.

Steven Spencer, Director of the Salvation Army’s International Heritage Centre, explains that while Cory’s act was extraordinarily generous, he had his own motivations. “John Cory’s family gave their name to the hugely successful South Wales Brass band, and that in itself is significant,” Spencer said. “We have no reason to doubt his devout faith, but through such acts, this coal-broker and ship-owner tried to cement his reputation and instil in his workers a way of life which kept them sober and productive.”

Setting Sail: The SS Iole

In June 1885, the SS Iole left Cardiff’s Bute Dock for Shoreham Harbour in Sussex, where she underwent a refit in preparation for her August launch as the Salvation Navy flagship. Her three new masts flew the Salvation Army colors of red, blue, and yellow, alongside flags bearing the words “Are You Saved?” and “Holiness Unto the Lord”.

The use of a pleasure yacht for an evangelical mission did not go unnoticed. The Salvation Army newspaper, The War Cry, described her as “A little gem, perfect in all her appointments” and “almost too luxurious for salvationists”. The paper added, “We fancy our comrades have little use for the pier-glass and sofas which adorn the cabins, but the piano fitted to the saloon can hardly come amiss to them.”

Under the command of former Hartlepool lifeboat skipper Captain Sherrington Foster, the SS Iole spent the next year visiting the south coast of England from Cornwall to Kent, the Isle of Wight, and the Channel Isles. Their mission was to “Hurry up after every poor blue jacket who has not another friend in the world, and rush in with salvation to every fisherman’s boat and every bargeman’s keel.”

The First Disaster

However, from the outset, the Salvation Navy was beset with bad luck. “By the summer of 1886, the SS Iole was conducting an evangelical campaign in East Anglian ports, including Lowestoft in May and Ipswich in June,” said Steven Spencer. Disaster struck as they sailed to hold a series of meetings with Salvationists in Hull. On the evening of June 11, 1886, the ship struck a sandbank in the Humber, possibly snagging on the wreckage of a ship that had run aground a few weeks earlier. The SS Iole began taking on water, and the crew had to escape on the lifeboat and row ashore. The next morning, it was reported that “at dead low water, only two or three feet of her funnel were to be seen.”

Once again, John Cory came to the rescue, providing an even more formidable ship, an 82ft (24.9m) racing yacht which became known as the Salvation Gun-Boat. She underwent a refit costing £120 at Southampton and was equipped with a meeting room below deck that could hold over one hundred Salvationists.

Despite their previous experience, the Salvation Navy did not take as much care in selecting their new skipper. Records show Captain Abbot Taylor as having a somewhat underwhelming CV, merely described as “a former Torbay fisherman”. Nevertheless, the crew embarked on a more concerted campaign to win hearts and minds.

Renewed Efforts and Final Catastrophe

Over Christmas 1887, The Vestal docked at Bute Dock in Cardiff, where the venture had all begun. They attempted to convert men by appealing to their interests, organizing events such as bicycle stunt displays. The celebration was a huge success, but less than two months later, The Vestal met the same fate as its predecessor. She collided with another craft on the Thames River in London and was damaged beyond repair.

With John Cory’s patience seemingly run out, the idea of the Salvation Navy having its own fleet was abandoned.

The Legacy of the Salvation Navy

\Despite the misfortunes that plagued the Salvation Navy, its influence persisted in more indirect ways. Hilary Carey, professor of Imperial and Religious History at the University of Bristol, notes that the venture inspired many privateer Christian missions among other sailors. “The movement to create national institutions to cater specifically for sailors’ physical and spiritual needs was one outcome,” said Prof. Carey. “These organizations significantly contributed to maritime welfare during the 19th century. Their collective legacy endures today in continued efforts to support the wellbeing of seafarers.”

The story of the Salvation Navy is a testament to the power of faith, generosity, and the pursuit of a noble cause despite numerous setbacks. It serves as a reminder of the innovative spirit that drives charitable organizations like the Salvation Army, and how even their less successful ventures can leave a lasting impact on society. Though the Salvation Navy’s ships may have sunk, their mission to provide spiritual and practical support to those in need continues to float high on the tides of history.

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