NEOM: A Visionary Project or a Dystopian Reality?

NEOM project, Saudi Arabia

Since its unveiling in 2017, Saudi Arabia’s NEOM project has been a hot topic of both excitement and controversy. With its ambitious goals, eye-popping digital concept designs, and claims of ushering in a futuristic way of life, the city has sparked global fascination. Promoted as part of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s “Vision 2030” plan, NEOM promises to be a showcase of cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and innovation. However, as the initial hype fades and the project moves from the realm of fantasy to reality, many are questioning whether it can live up to its promises.

What exactly is NEOM? Is it the city of the future, or are there cracks beginning to show in this ambitious project? Here’s a deep dive into the current state of the controversial NEOM development and the varying opinions surrounding it.

What is NEOM?

NEOM is a colossal $500 billion infrastructure project intended to transform a vast stretch of the Saudi Arabian desert into a high-tech, futuristic economic zone. Situated in the northwestern region of the country, NEOM is envisioned as a city that will be home to millions of people and serve as a hub for innovation, sustainability, and tourism. The project’s futuristic designs and goals align with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030, which aims to diversify Saudi Arabia’s oil-dependent economy and position the country as a leader in renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and technological development.

As described on its official website, NEOM is “the land of the future where the greatest minds and best talents are empowered to embody pioneering ideas and exceed boundaries in a world inspired by imagination.” One of its most talked-about features is The Line, a linear city 170 kilometers long, enclosed by two parallel mirrored walls 200 meters apart and rising 488 meters high. The city is designed to be entirely car-free and emission-free, with high-speed trains running beneath its surface. The project also promises to include other futuristic amenities such as flying taxis, artificial ski slopes, and an octagonal floating business district.

Much of the allure surrounding NEOM stems from the imagery and marketing campaigns that have captivated audiences online. NEOM’s vision has been advertised on social media platforms through sleek digital renderings and animations, which have portrayed the city as an almost otherworldly, utopian paradise. A place where technological innovation and environmental sustainability meet to create a new standard of urban living.

However, this vision has faced growing skepticism in recent months, particularly as vloggers and influencers began sharing glimpses of their lives within NEOM. While the project’s digital marketing continues to present a picture-perfect image, these social media posts are offering a more grounded, and sometimes bleak, perspective of life in the development.

King Salman- Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)
King Salman- Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)

Behind the Glamour: Life in NEOM’s Community 1

One of the most talked-about figures who provided a peek into the reality of NEOM is influencer Jessica Herman. She gained traction on social media by sharing vlogs of her daily life in Community 1, a residential area of NEOM. Her TikTok account amassed a following of 17,000, as she documented her family’s experiences in this futuristic setting. However, the reality depicted in her vlogs fell far short of the utopian visions marketed by NEOM’s promotional materials.

In one video titled “My evening on NEOM, Saudi Arabia,” Herman recorded her walk from her family’s apartment through a desolate and almost dystopian neighborhood to what she described as “the dining hall” for dinner. This stark portrayal of NEOM’s living conditions prompted a flurry of comments from viewers, with some describing the compound as an “upmarket prison camp” and others calling it “dystopian” and “bleak.”

The growing disconnect between the polished advertisements and the actual lived experiences of those on the ground has led to widespread criticism on social media. Ultimately, Herman deactivated her TikTok account amid the backlash.

Other influencers living in Community 1, such as Sara Sarasid and Aida McPherson, have shared their own content, further confirming the sterile and basic living conditions for employees and their families. It remains unclear whether Community 1 is a temporary setup or a permanent part of NEOM, but many online users have found the contrast between user-generated content and official advertisements jarring.

Scaling Back Expectations: A Reality Check for NEOM

NEOM was announced with grand ambitions, including goals for The Line to eventually house 9 million residents and a total transformation of Saudi Arabia’s economy by 2030. However, in the years since its unveiling, the project has experienced significant delays and reports suggest it may fall far short of its initial targets.

According to Bloomberg, the Saudi government originally aimed for 1.5 million residents to live in The Line by 2030. But internal sources now estimate that fewer than 300,000 people will be living in the city by that time. In addition, construction has reportedly been limited to just a 2.4-kilometer stretch of the city, with full completion likely many decades away.

Financial hurdles have also begun to mount. In May 2023, The Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia was taking on debt to help fund NEOM and other Vision 2030 projects. As NEOM’s 2024 budget awaits approval from the Public Investment Fund (PIF), insiders speculate that Crown Prince Mohammed may be facing a reckoning over the feasibility of such large-scale development projects.

The Controversies Surrounding NEOM

The project’s slow progress is not the only source of controversy. NEOM has faced criticism on several other fronts, including its treatment of local populations, human rights abuses, and environmental concerns.

One of the most contentious issues is the displacement of indigenous communities, particularly the al-Huwaitat tribe, who have lived in the area designated for NEOM for centuries. Despite claims that NEOM is being built on uninhabited land, thousands of members of the al-Huwaitat tribe were forcibly removed to make way for construction. In May 2023, the BBC reported that Saudi authorities had permitted the use of lethal force to clear land for NEOM, quoting ex-intelligence officer Col Alenezi. According to Alenezi, one protester was shot and killed for resisting eviction.

The Saudi government has denied such claims, but the controversy has drawn attention to the kingdom’s broader human rights record. Saudi Arabia’s tight restrictions on freedom of expression, political dissent, and women’s rights continue to cause alarm, even as the country attempts to position itself as a hub of technological and social progress. In 2022, Business Insider reported that a woman was jailed for 30 years for criticizing NEOM on social media, further underscoring the ongoing repression of dissent in the kingdom.

Science Fiction or Reality?

The scale and ambition of NEOM have led many observers to question whether it will ever be fully realized. Some critics have labeled the project as “science fiction fantasy,” drawn more from the pages of futuristic novels than any practical urban planning.

“Quite a lot of the ideas that they’re working on are drawn from and inspired by literal science fiction works, whether it be films, books, or TV series,” said Bloomberg reporter Vivian Nereim, who spent six months investigating the project. “There are architects and designers and scholars who are basically sent to draw inspiration from science fiction,” she added.

While NEOM’s proponents claim that this radical vision is precisely what makes the project groundbreaking, skeptics wonder if such a city can ever truly come to fruition. Given the mounting challenges — from budgetary constraints to human rights issues — it’s unclear whether NEOM will fulfill its grand promises or end up as an unrealized dream.

As NEOM continues to inch forward, the world watches with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The project remains a linchpin in Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, representing the kingdom’s aspirations for economic transformation, technological advancement, and sustainable living. Yet, the disconnect between the utopian imagery presented by the government and the lived reality of workers and residents on the ground is growing more apparent.

With financial, environmental, and ethical questions looming over the project, NEOM is at a critical juncture. Whether it will become a beacon of future innovation or a symbol of unfulfilled ambition remains to be seen. What is certain is that NEOM will continue to be a focal point of global attention, sparking debates about urban planning, governance, and the future of the modern city.

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