Afghan refugees increase in number seeking permanent residence in UK

Afghan refugees


The process of transferring Afghan refugees living in the United Kingdom from hotels to permanent accommodation has been accelerated, TOLOnews has revealed. The British Home Office warned a few months ago that Afghans who had been taken to hotels after being transferred to Britain would be thrown out of the hotels if they did not leave.

Many of these Afghan nationals, who have moved into hotels in different areas of the country after relocating to the UK, told Tolonenews that most of the people living in the hotels have been moved to permanent homes.

The conditions for Afghans who have been transferred to the UK have not been the same in all areas and all hotels.

For some, permanent homes became immediately available, but for many not.

The British Home Office said the 8,000 Afghan refugees who are currently living in 59 hotels around the UK were to vacate the accommodation by the end of August 2023.

According to several Afghans living in hotels that TOLOnews spoke to, the process of moving Afghan families to permanent homes has reportedly been expedited.

“I live in a hotel… About thirty families stayed in this hotel. Now seven-eight families are left. Everyone has been sent home and the hotel has been vacated. I have also been offered a house and I will be leaving on August 14,” said Abdur Rahman Fekri, a hotel dweller in Kent.

Fekri says homeowners are not particularly eager to rent homes to Afghans who still don’t have jobs or income in this country. However, the houses suggested by the government can solve this problem.

In an informal conversation, several Afghans in different cities and hotels also spoke to TOLOnews about such events.

About 21,100 Afghans have immigrated to the UK under two separate immigration programmes: one for disadvantaged individuals and members of racial or ethnic minorities, and the other for individuals employed by the British military or government.

The British government has stated that it does not promise that the requested properties will be provided to these refugees in response to some Afghans rejecting government-suggested homes.

Earlier, some circles within the UK government challenged the British Home Office’s decision to set a deadline for Afghan nationals living in hotels, saying the decision would make these people homeless, TOLOnews reported. May have to face being.

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