
Azerbaijan’s Lackluster Election Campaign

The February 7 presidential election in Azerbaijan is likely the most boring in the country's history due to the public's disengagement from politics. This disengagement is largely due to incumbent Ilham Aliyev's popularity and his government's ramping up repressions. Apathy...

Kazakhstan’s Demographic Time Bomb: The Threat to Stability and What Can Be Done

Kazakhstan's population is set to surpass 20 million for the first time, with over 70% of its residents being ethnic Kazakhs. This growth is accompanied by developments that threaten the country's stability and could be exploited by outside powers. Some...
Nagorno-Karabakh Region, Azerbaijan flag

Azerbaijanis’ Decades-long Wait to Reclaim Separatist Homeland

BAKU, Azerbaijan Nazim Valiyev, a dentist, fled his home in Karabakh, Azerbaijan, due to ethnic violence in the separatist region. Over three decades later, Valiyev hopes to return to the region, which is now under Azerbaijani control. The conflict began...

Kazakhstan’s Brain Drain: Potential for Wartime Brain Gain?

Kazakhstan has been experiencing a 'brain drain' of skilled and educated workers in key industries for over a decade. The country's economic growth, driven by oil and gas, has slowed due to global commodity price fluctuations. The government has tried...
Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev

Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev re-elected

Tashkent Uzbekistan's President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was re-elected on Sunday with 87.1 per cent of the vote, according to preliminary results released Monday by the country's Central Election Commission, Al Jazeera reported. With more than 15 million voters participating in Sunday's...