Australia had taken such a decision some time ago, which increased Russia’s displeasure. Russia was building its new embassy in Australia and for this, it had chosen a place near the Parliament House of Australia.
This land near the Australian Parliament was on lease with Russia and it had decided to build its new embassy on it, which did not get the green signal from the Australian government. Russia had this land on lease since 2008 and for not getting the green signal for the construction of its new embassy on it, Russia had challenged the Australian government’s decision in the High Court by taking legal action. But now the Australian High Court has given a blow to Russia.
Australian High Court rejected Russia’s application
Russia has filed an application in the Australian High Court challenging the Australian government’s decision not to give the green signal to the construction of its new embassy. Russia wanted the Australian government’s decision not to give a green signal to the construction work of its new embassy to be withdrawn and the construction work should get a green signal. But the Australian High Court has given a blow to Russia and rejected its application. This decision has been given by High Court Judge Jayne Jagot.
What is the reason behind Australia not giving a green signal to Russian Embassy?
Russia wants to build its new embassy near the Parliament House of Australia. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese does not consider it safe. Albanese has already made it clear that having the Russian embassy near the country’s parliament building is like compromising the country’s security. The Australian government considers it risky to allow Russia’s new embassy to be built near the Australian Parliament, which could increase the risk of espionage against the government. Keeping this in mind, the Australian government had taken this decision.
At the same time, the Australian government is also trying to end the long-standing lease agreement with Russia, which was first signed in 2008. Soon a law can also be made for this.