Differences in the Approaches of India and Australia, diversity rather than uniformity, but now the situation is changing.
Both are important founding members of the Association of Indian Ocean Rim Countries (IOCRI) for regional cooperation, both as democracies and because of their location in the Australia-India-South Africa triangle.
India is a nuclear power. While Australia opposes India’s nuclear status, there are many areas of cooperation that need to be boosted.
Australia-India Relations Challenges
Maintaining political sovereignty, maintaining territorial integrity and security and maintaining economic development. The nature of interstate relations is constantly influenced by factors of time and place. Relations between Australia and India have been influenced in varying proportions by their global and regional perspectives.
And government institutions are similar. Also, both follow democratic political processes and both countries have a federal framework of governance based on power-sharing. Despite these similarities, as with any two cosmopolitan countries, there are differences in the approaches of India and Australia. However, there are no real differences between the two countries.
A different approach
Despite structural and linguistic similarities, Australia and India have found themselves on different intelligibility standards. While these were the product of Cold War politics, they were exacerbated by the lack of traditional geographical and psychological ties.
These different views originated in the pre-independence era. At the heart of the differences were the two countries’ different attitudes towards the British Empire. While Australia considered itself an integral part of the British Empire, India was hostile to the British Empire. Not only this, the multicultural environment of India was in stark contrast to the exclusively white culture of Australia. Although in later years Australia supported national independence struggles, it was still fundamentally part of a Western materialist, ideological and psychological structure.
Differences in security and diplomacy approach fundamentally arose with Cold War politics. In keeping with its security needs and psychological inclinations, Australia became a member of the United States-backed military blocs, the United States (NASDAQ) and the SAITO (BMJ).
On the other hand, due to its security and economic needs, India adopted an independent path in foreign policy and that was non-aligned. The differences between Australia and India deepened when Pakistan became a friend of the United States. In this way, India’s staunch enemy Pakistan indirectly became Australia’s friend. Australia started supporting Pakistan in basic security matters of India. A specific issue was that of Kashmir. Whether it was the Dixon Report, voting in the United Nations, mediation in other matters or the Goa dispute, the tree of Australia was generally against Indian interests. Because of this basic diplomatic difference, the views of Australia and India on major world events remained different. Such as the Korean and Suez Canal crises, Hungary, Cuba and Vietnam. N.P.T. And later C.T.B.T. On certain issues, the differences between the two countries have reached dramatic limits. The main reason behind the origin of this difference was Australia’s complete satisfaction with the global nuclear position and India’s complete rejection of it. In this way, different opinions came up many times and a certain state of mind and prejudice of both countries became the factor of indulgent assessments.
Security Issues
The bottlenecks in the relations between India and Australia are due to certain differences in security issues.
- The presence of China, a nuclear country located in its neighborhood, with which India shares a border of several thousand kilometers and which in 1962 introduced its aggressive power.
- China’s attempt to maintain its presence in the Indian Ocean through Myanmar.
- China’s support for Pakistan, even on the issue of nuclear power.
- Nuclear-armed Pakistan, which has attacked India four times, and which is the birthplace of terrorism. Behind Pakistan’s enmity is the two-nation principle and in the past, the United States and its allies have also supported Pakistan.
- Transfer of nuclear, missile and other destructive technologies to Pakistan by China.
- Presence of United States nuclear stockpile at the Diego Garcia (CPMAH) base in the Indian Ocean.
- The presence of conflicting ethnic groups in South Asia and India is at its center. Also being the only secular country in India.
Australia’s diplomatic interests are separate. As the Australian Diplomacy Plan 1990 indicates, Australia is largely a secure country. It spans an entire continent and faces no real threat from its neighbours. In the past, there was a threat of Chinese communism throughout Indonesia.
Various alliances with the United States have alleviated almost all of its security concerns. Even after the end of the Cold War, Australia continued to view the United States as a protectorate. However, the diplomacy scheme mentions China, Japan and India as agents of external influence. Australia’s security due to its complete dependence on the United States Follows America in cases.
The result is that the American point of view often becomes the Australian point of view. Two facts are worth highlighting here. First, the compulsion to support the US approach for the sake of its own security. Second, the psychological eagerness of the Australian political ruling class to align itself with the world’s sole superpower.
Australia-India Relationship
- Security-related
- issues bilateral relations
- India’s situation immediately after independence
- Liberal Conservatism Rule: 1949-72
- Labor Government under Whitlam 1972-75
- The Fraser era (1975-83) and the return to the liberal rule
- A Labor government under Hawke
Howard rule
- Towards a New Perspective on Australia-India Relations
- Association of Indian Ocean Rim Countries for Regional Cooperation
- (Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation)
- Financial relations
- Pokhran pp. and Indo-Australian relations-pp
- Australia’s response to India’s nuclear tests
- Changing diplomatic realities
- Australia – India Relations: Prospects and Overview
- Resumption of normal India-Australia relations since 2000