Bilawal Bhutto’s controversial comments are a big difficult for Pakistan

Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s controversial comment on Prime Minister Narendra Modi is still being discussed in both the countries. On Monday, India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has said that nothing more can be expected from Pakistan.

Jaishankar was asked in India Today’s program that how does he see what has been said about Prime Minister Narendra Modi by the foreign minister of the neighboring country?

In response, he said, “Whatever we have to say, we have already said. Our statement is in front of everyone. Understand it in such a way that our expectations from Pakistan have never been too high.”

Last week, India’s External Affairs Minister S. In Jaishankar’s UN Security Council, Pakistan was described as the ‘epicenter’ of terrorism and the country that ‘gave shelter to Osama bin Laden’.

After that Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari gave a controversial statement regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He commented on the Gujarat riots by citing them.

This statement of Bhutto was called uncivilized by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

India had said in its statement, “This statement is very low level. Pakistan’s foreign minister has forgotten the year 1971 when the rulers of Pakistan started genocide against Bengalis and Hindus. Unfortunately Pakistan’s attitude towards minorities Not much has changed. Pakistan is not in a position to blame India.”

Has Bilawal Bhutto harmed himself?

India’s newspaper The Indian Express has written an editorial on this ongoing rhetoric between the two countries. The newspaper has written, “The statement made by Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Prime Minister Modi will not harm India, but it definitely shows how little the Pakistan People’s Party leaders understand about diplomacy.” One government attacks another government and it happens, but making personal attacks on someone is very rare in diplomacy. This happens when two countries have decided that they have to end the relationship completely.

The newspaper has written, “But it is not clear in the case of Pakistan. Bhutto is a minister in the coalition government of Shehbaz Sharif, whose party, the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), is known to maintain normal relations with India whether or not it remains in the government. When a new government came to power in Pakistan by removing Imran Khan, it seemed that there would be a change in the relationship between India and Pakistan, but Bilawal Bhutto’s statement has obviously only worsened it.

The Indian Express wrote, “It is difficult to understand whether the young Foreign Minister Bhutto is adopting the traditional hardliner attitude towards India because of his own understanding or it is just the result of the ‘military-backed government’.”

The newspaper has compared the diplomatic activities of both the countries. The newspaper writes that India, with its diplomatic understanding, has made very close relations with Saudi Arabia and UAE, the two countries which Pakistan calls its ‘fraternity’. Soon India is also going to sell BrahMos missile to Muslim populated country Indonesia. Even Turkish President Recep Tayyip Ardoan, who has been considered anti-India, seems to have softened for India after his meeting with PM Modi at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

The newspaper has written, “In such a situation, Bhutto should see that because of his lack of diplomatic understanding, he should not isolate Pakistan.” Pakistan may try to cover the army-backed extremist group on its soil with rhetoric, but its effect is well-known there and their continuous economic and other struggles are also in front of the world.

What is Pakistani media saying?

Pakistani newspaper Dawn has also written an editorial on the recent developments.

The newspaper says that the relations between the two countries are rapidly deteriorating due to the statements made in the past. Recently, Pakistan’s Home Minister Rana Sanaullah said that India is involved in terrorist activities on Pakistani soil and said that India was behind the blast in Johar city of Lahore last year. A day later, Minister of State for External Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar said in a press conference that “no country has used terrorism better than India”.

After this, sharp statements are being made directly on each other between Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar in the United Nations.

Dawn has written, “Now Pakistan needs to move towards a shared and visionary approach while handling this diplomatic spat very carefully.” At the same time, Pakistan should make it clear that any kind of threat to Pakistan’s border will not be tolerated, but keeping all these things in front, now both the countries should take steps towards maintaining peace instead of playing the drums of war. .”

Talking to defense expert Ayesha Siddiqa in a program of Pakistani news channel Naya Daur TV, former head of Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI, General Asad Durrani says that these meetings are like a circus, where two leaders think they are one. Say two things about someone in exchange for one thing, this happens so that media gets coverage and people in their own country talk about it.

”But such rhetoric has no effect on the ground. Where As far as India-Pakistan relations are concerned, it has already come to a standstill.

Durrani said, “The first few attempts were made for improvement. Like Musharraf started composite drama. In India too, Desai government, IK Gujral government, Chandrashekhar government tried to improve the relations between the two countries but the relations did not improve. At this time, India does not want any change in its status quo with Pakistan as it suits its narcissism.

Recent statements that escalated tensions

On Wednesday last week, Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar said in the United Nations Security Council that ‘the country which attacks the neighboring country’s parliament and hosts bin Laden, should not impart knowledge here’.

India is presiding over the United Nations Security Council in the month of December.

Reversing Rabbani’s statement, Jaishankar had said, “I know that we have been battling Kovid for the last two and a half years. Because of this, most of us are struggling with brain fog. But I want to assure you that the world has not forgotten where terrorism originates. Whose fingerprints are on the terrorist activities unfolding in this region (South Asia) and beyond. I would say that they should educate themselves about this before habitually indulging in such fanciful stories.”

After this, Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari gave a controversial statement on PM Modi.

Bhutto’s statement on Afghanistan also criticized

Another statement of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto is in discussion. In this, he has said in a warning manner that the Taliban government should stop Tehreek-e-Taliban from cross-border terrorism, otherwise Pakistan will take ‘direct action’.

In an event organized at the United Nations Headquarters on the eighth anniversary of the Army Public School massacre, Bhutto said Tehreek-e-Taliban has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Nations.

He said, “It seems that TTP has declared war on Pakistan. Its attacks have intensified. Pakistan will not tolerate cross-border terrorism by TTP or other terrorist groups like Balochistan Liberation Army, they are our enemy’s financial backers.” help too.”

“We reserve the right to take direct action against them.”

This statement of Bilawal is unnecessary and some are praising it.

Reacting to this, Abdul Basit, who was Pakistan’s High Commissioner to India, said, “Was there a need for this statement?”

In a video analysis, Basit said, “Many people are considering this statement of the Foreign Minister as very strong. His saying that if terrorism is spread in Pakistan, he will respond by entering the border of Afghanistan. America also does this. Terrorist organizations should be targeted and attacked. America has done drone attacks on terrorist targets in Afghanistan after 9/11, then Pakistan should also do the same. If any other country can do it then why can’t Pakistan. ”

“We need to re-look at our relationship with Taliban and if that happens then we should see how we can together with Afghanistan deal with organizations like TTP. This is not right.”

“We don’t have to bow down to the Taliban government, but this thing should have happened behind closed doors. Taliban also consider themselves senior, they feel that they have won the government by defeating America, so they can create problems for Pakistan as well. So I think the matter should not have come to this.”

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