British Prime Minister Urges Israel and Egypt to Facilitate Aid by Opening Border Crossing

Rishi Sunak


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called on Israel and Egypt to open up the Rafah crossing for humanitarian aid to reach civilians in Gaza. He emphasized the need for Egypt and Israel to allow in the aid that is desperately needed.  Sunak also expressed support for the families of those who went missing after Hamas’s infiltration into southern Israel.

He emphasized the UK’s commitment to maintaining stability in the region and using all diplomatic tools to achieve this. Sunak met with Jordan’s King Abdullah II and the leaders of Turkey and Egypt to prevent further escalation. He emphasized that while Sunak supports Israel’s right to defend itself, it must be done in line with international humanitarian law.

UK Prime Minister Theresa Sunak has confirmed that at least six British citizens have been killed in Israel, with an additional 10 missing. The UK government is working with Israel to establish the facts and support families affected by the situation. 500 Britons have been brought back on eight flights, and the government is working on land evacuations.

The UK government believes up to 60,000 British nationals are in Israel or Palestine. Sunak acknowledges the “great anguish” of British Muslims and will listen to their concerns. Tens of thousands of people have staged rallies in support of Palestinians, calling on the British government to stop aiding Israel in Gaza.

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