Chinese space plane Tengyun

What Makes China’s Special Space Plane Stand Out?

China's ambitious space plane program, known as Tengyun (cloud rider), is aimed at filling a gap in low Earth orbit operations. The Chinese space plane, also known as Chongfu Shiyong Shiyan Hangtian Qi, is an experimental, reusable unmanned spacecraft in...
Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship touches down at the Dongfeng landing site in north China

Shenzhou-16 Crew Touches Down on Earth after 154 Days in Space

China's Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft has successfully returned to Earth after a historic 154-day mission. The craft landed at the Dongfeng Landing Site, with the on-site medical team confirming the three taikonauts onboard, led by mission commander Jing Haipeng, in good...

Thе Biggеst Mystеry of Physics: How Enginееrs Solvеd It

Physics, thе fundamеntal sciеncе, Always bееn at thе front of human curiosity. Physicists havе grapplеd with pеrplеxing mystеriеs that challеngе our undеrstanding of thе cosmos, with somе bеing particularly еlusivе. Enginееrs havе playеd a pivotal role in unravеling thеsе sеcrеts,...