The Chinese police have arrested 90,000 on charges of engaging in wildlife. According to a public security officer, police have researched more than 70,000 criminal cases concerned by 2020 to 2022, 20222, and 90,000 people were arrested in the same period of the same nature.
Chhau Wuwakin said that the food convention was held here on Friday Ministry of Hundreds of Wildlife and Wildren Security of W. 80,000 kilogram goods in the past three years. During the said period, all one hundred and 50 cases have been signed by all hundred. It is “the result of the countryside campaign two years ago,” he said to the country, “said to a mediator.
According to the department, national park, circus, researchers, and more than 100,000 wildlife, which was interrupted by targeting more than 100,000 wildlife.