Chinese Navy's Typе 054A frigatе

10 Facts About thе Chinese Navy’s Typе 054A frigatе

China is modеrnizing its naval forcеs to sеcurе its maritimе intеrеsts in thе facе of еvolving global gеopolitical dynamics. Thе Pеoplе's Libеration Army Navy (PLAN) has addеd thе Typе 054 frigatе, a vеrsatilе and capablе vеssеl. This advancеmеnt in China's...
Kim Jong Un- Vladimir Putin

Unleashing the Power of North Korea’s Arms Sales to Russia

North Korea's arms sales to Russia, despite being a secretive and isolated nation, have gained attention due to their potential to reshape regional dynamics and global security. This complex and clandestine aspect of international geopolitics has the potential to alter...

Why Has Afghanistan Bеcomе a Sanctuary for Jihadist Groups?

Kabul, Afghanistan Thе withdrawal of Unitеd Statеs and NATO forcеs from Afghanistan has lеd to an alarming rеsurgеncе of Afghanistan as a sanctuary for jihadist groups. Thе country, oncе a hub for global countеrtеrrorism еfforts, is now at thе crossroads...
Russia: The Greatest Military Threat to World

Russia: The Greatest Military Threat to World

The world's population perceives the U.S. as a global threat, with Russia being the highest-rated threat to the world. Russia is the most significant threat to global security due to its advanced military capabilities, provocative actions, and growing influence. Its...

INS Sumedha arrived in Alexandria, Egypt, for Exercise Bright Star-23

Cairo Indian Naval Ship (INS) Sumedha has arrived in Egypt for 'Exercise Bright Star-23', the largest joint military exercise ever conducted in the Middle East and North Africa region. The exercise, which will last for two weeks, will involve activities...
US Department of Defense

US Defense announced additional $175 million in security assistance to Ukraine

The US Department of Defense has announced up to $175 million in additional security assistance to Ukraine to counter Russia's unwarranted advances. The package includes air defense equipment, artillery rounds, and anti-tank weapons. This marks the 46th removal of equipment...
India -Australia Malabar naval exercise

27th Malabar joint naval exercise ends in Australia

Canberra The 27th edition of Malabar, a joint defence exercise between India, the United States, Japan, and Australia, concluded off the east coast of Australia near Sydney on Monday. The exercise involved ships, submarines, and aircraft from the Indian Navy,...
F-16 fighter aircraft

Netherlands, Denmark to provide Ukraine F-16 fighter aircraft

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that the Netherlands and Denmark will supply F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine after meeting certain conditions. The announcement follows the US's authorization to hand over US-made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.
South Korea, US prepare joint military exercises

South Korea, US prepare joint military exercises amid North Korean threats

Seoul South Korea and the United States are set to launch joint military exercises this week to increase preparedness against emerging threats from North Korea. The annual Ulchi Freedom Shield (UFS) exercise, based on an all-out war scenario, is scheduled...
Nuclear weapons

What are efforts to control and limit spread of nuclear weapons?

The United Nations has made significant efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and ban nuclear tests in space and reservoirs. It achieved great success by getting over one hundred nations to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1963...
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