Abu Dhabi
The EDGE Group on Wednesday welcomed a high-level diplomatic, military and commercial delegation from Brazil to its headquarters in Abu Dhabi. In the meeting, both countries value their strong commercial and cultural ties and ongoing cooperation in the areas of defence, trade and technology.
The Brazilian delegation was led by Admiral Flavio Rocha, Special Secretary for Strategic Affairs of the Executive Office of the President, Dr Marcos Degout, Secretary of Defense Products, Ministry of Defense, Eduardo Bolsonaro, Congressman in the House of Representatives, Fernando Luis Lemos Igreja. Ambassador of Brazil to the UAE and other dignitaries met by members of the EDGE leadership team, including Faisal Al Bannai, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mansour Al Mulla, CEO and Managing Director, Hamad Al Marar, Cluster President – Missiles and Weapons. (M&W), Omar Al Zaabi, Senior Vice President – Trading and Mission Support Cluster, and other senior members of EDGE leadership, including the CEOs of EDGE entities HALCON, ADASI, AL TARIQ, CARACAL, LAHAB, NIMR and AL JASOOR.
CEOs of several major Brazilian companies were also part of the delegation, including Embraer, Embraer Radar, AKAER, Taurus, LACE, Condor, Avionics, CBC, MAC JEE, CSD, Kryptos, SIATT, ATEC and MK Bum AEQ. Speaking at the Joint Cooperation Committee meeting, Al Bannai said, “We are delighted to welcome such a high-ranking and commercially important Brazilian visit to EDGE today. It not only reinforces the importance and affection that with which our two countries view each other.” as partners, but it also underscores the need to continue exploring new opportunities for future collaboration of mutual benefit and the pursuit of greater global security.
“Brazil with advanced and highly developed indigenous industries is an important strategic market for EDGE. We look forward to further knowledge sharing, intelligence exchange, R&D cooperation and working together in co-development of defence and advanced technology systems.” There’s a huge potential.” As demonstrated recently by Embraer’s partnership with EDGE unit HALCON to develop weapons systems for Embraer’s A-29 Super Tucano aircraft. We aim to create a more fertile environment for more relationships with leading Brazilian companies to flourish and expand access and usage. About EDGE’s products, services and solutions in Brazil and globally.” The delegates present resolved to continue working together and achieve mutually agreed objectives for all parties in the military and advanced technology fields.