Explained: Pakistan is crisis due to wrong policies

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Pakistan is Due to the wrong policies of the rulers, today Pakistan is standing on the verge of destruction. Inflation is skyrocketing. Its foreign exchange reserves are continuously depleting. Is buried under foreign debt.

The public is not only yearning for livelihood and bread yet is intent on killing each other. Like adjacent Sri Lanka, Pakistan’s sinking into poverty has increased India’s concerns.

If the situation in Pakistan worsens, then the intervention of other global powers, including China may increase here, and if this happens then it will be an unfavorable situation for India. That’s why India has to deal with this situation diplomatically.

The reality is that the policies of the rulers of Pakistan have been destructive instead of developers since the birth of their country. This is the reason that democracy could never be strong in Pakistan and Pakistan has been ruled by the military for more than half of the period after independence.

Significantly, as a result of the trickery of the British and the political selfishness of some leaders, India finally got partitioned. Even after the partition, there has always been tension in the relations between the two countries. This sourness has created such a gulf between the two countries, which seems impossible to bridge.

Pakistan’s attitude towards India has been bitter from the beginning. Pakistan invaded Kashmir on October 22, 1947, in the year of independence itself. He was defeated in this. Since even before independence, the British government had announced that the princely states of India have the freedom to join India or Pakistan at their discretion or they can keep themselves independent.

Taking advantage of this, Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir declared himself independent instead of merging his princely state with India and Pakistan. But Pakistan attacked it to capture Kashmir. On this, Maharaja Hari Singh merged Kashmir with India and India expelled the Pakistan Army from there.

The foreign policy of the rulers and dictators who were in power in Pakistan has always been anti-India. In April 1965, when two pieces of the Pakistani army started infiltrating the Rann of Kutch and Kashmir, the war started between the two countries.

However, due to the resolution of the Security Council in the United Nations, there was a ceasefire on September 22, 1965. After the end of the war, as a result of the efforts of Soviet Russia, there was a Tashkent Agreement between the two countries on January 10, 1966. However, during this agreement, the then-Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died mysteriously, behind which it was also said that there was a political conspiracy.

Due to the wrong policies of Pakistan, in the year 1971, the bitterness of Indo-Pak relations increased again. This year civil war broke out in East Pakistan as a result of Yahwa Khan’s atrocities and lakhs of Bengali-speaking people of East Pakistan entered the Indian border to save their lives. The number of refugees in India reached about 10 million. India treated the refugees from East Pakistan humanely and arranged food and shelter for them.

Angered by this, on December 2, 1971, Pakistani aircraft started fierce bombings on Indian airports. India was forced to retaliate. For many days a fierce war went on between the two countries. Ultimately, Pakistan was defeated and East Pakistan came into existence as Bangladesh due to Indian efforts. After this, the Shimla Agreement was signed on July 3, 1972, with the aim of ending the conflict between the two countries.

After the Shimla Agreement, political and trade relations between the two countries started to be established again in 1976, but after Soviet Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the situation became the same as before, because India was in favour of Soviet Russia and Pakistan was in Afghanistan. After this, in 1985, some efforts were made to establish friendly relations between the two countries, but there was no success.

In February 1999, the then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee tried to initiate a friendship on behalf of India through the historic Lahore bus tour, but in April of the same year, Pakistan expressed its intention by infiltrating Kargil. In Kargil, Pakistan got the answer to its attack, but the relations between the two countries got worse. Pakistan carried out a terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001, under a conspiracy. After this attack, relations between the two countries remained extremely tense for a long time.

It is well known that Pakistan has been supporting terrorist activities in various regions of India including Kashmir. Whichever administrator came there, he always kept sponsoring terrorist activities not only on the border but inside India, in order to divert the attention of the people of Pakistan from development.

This is the reason that the economy, there has gone from bad to worse and the situation there has become very serious. To overcome the economic crisis, Pakistan has decided to impose an additional tax of Rs 30 billion. The government is trying to raise 100 billion rupees to avoid defaulting on oil and gas payments. In this regard, it has entered into an agreement with the IMF. The country’s debt has increased by more than 15 per cent in the last few months.

Debt-ridden Pakistan is now preparing to put some of its areas and companies at stake for loans. Pakistan remains a debtor of two billion dollars to the UAE. Pakistan has not been able to pay for it.

The UAE has extended its repayment period by one year from March 2022 to March 2023. On the other hand, the loan given by China was to be repaid by Pakistan between 27 June and 23 July. Pakistan has to pay a debt of two billion dollars to China. For the time being, China has postponed it, which is a matter of relief for Pakistan.

China has been given extra time to pay this amount. Recently, China has once again provided a loan of $ 2.3 billion to Pakistan, which is struggling with foreign exchange reserves and a cash crunch. Even before this, China had given a loan of $ 4.5 billion.

China supports Pakistan in boosting its economy, improving livelihood and maintaining financial stability. But this strategy seems to be proving harmful for Pakistan in the long run. Since Pakistan is India’s immediate neighbour, it is natural for India to be concerned about the plight of Pakistan’s economy.

It is important here that before the interference of other global powers, including China increases in the Indian sub-continent, India will have to prepare and implement a strong action plan for this serious problem so that India’s identity and sovereignty can remain intact.

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