Hastings Blossom Parade: A Spectacular Attraction for Thousands

Hastings Blossom Parade -New Zealand

HASTINGS, New Zealand

Tens of thousands of people gathered in New Zealand’s inner city Hastings for the Hastings Blossom Parade, featuring 71 entries and performances. The event, held annually since 1950, has attracted over 1,000 participants, including drivers, float makers, singers, dancers, parade marshals, and clowns from various cultures.

The colorful display brought people of all ages and cultures together. One of the floats, named after Nihao China, won the best float of the Hastings Blossom Parade 2023, sponsored by the China Cultural Center in Wellington.

The float was designed and made by Hastings district councilor and project director Kevin Watkins, who expressed his excitement about the float’s color and the strong links Hastings City has established with China, particularly through award-winning Hastings China projects.

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