How to Prepare for US-Iraqi Officials Talks


A commission of US and Iraqi officials will begin high-level talks to advance their shared goal of building an enduring security partnership.

The U.S.-Iraq Higher Military Commission aims to strengthen regional security and Iraqi sovereignty, building on the commitments made during the last year’s Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue.

Previous discussions have focused on transitioning the U.S.-led mission to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to a timeline that reflects the threat posed by the terrorist group, operational requirements, and Iraqi security forces’ capabilities. Military and defense experts will analyze the evolution of Iraq’s strategy to combat ISIS.

The discussions reflect the evolving U.S.-Iraq relationship outlined in the 2008 Strategic Framework Agreement and underscore the commitment to deepen security cooperation to advance stability within Iraq and the region.

The secretary of state has announced that upcoming discussions will focus on the most effective mission to defeat ISIS while ensuring its resurgence. Senior officials from the Defense and State departments highlighted the strength of the U.S.-Iraq relationship and its key role in the mission.

They emphasized the partnership between CJTF OIR and the Iraqi Security Forces, which has been a decisive factor in the defeat of ISIS. Over the past decade, ISIS has significantly reduced in size and capability, with the Iraqi Security Forces playing a key role in the campaign.

The US and Iraqi forces have made significant progress in their cooperation with the CJTF OIR, and the US and coalition are now considering transitioning to a normal bilateral security cooperation relationship.

The US and coalition are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to fight ISIS, and Iraqi partners have assured the US of their commitment to working together to shape the future US military presence and ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS.

Both nations remain committed to security cooperation and regional stability, and the US and Iraq will continue to work together to shape the future US military presence and ensure an Iraqi-led enduring defeat of ISIS.

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