Is Russia-Ukraine war going to end?

Russia-Ukraine war going to end

The meeting between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and former US security officers is taking place. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine may be over. For this, secret meetings have started between the United States and Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in the US in April this year to attend the United Nations Security Council meeting. Here he had a secret conversation with three former National Security Officers of the United States.

It has been more than 500 days since the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. According to official figures, more than 14 thousand common people have died in this war so far. More than 30 thousand people are injured. More than 80 thousand soldiers have been killed on both sides. These figures are increasing continuously.

Many countries of the world have been affected due to this war. Russia has claimed occupation of many areas of Ukraine. On the other hand, Ukraine is also fighting the war with full force. This is the reason why now Russia is also being forced to step back on many issues.

In April this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reached New York. According to NBC News, through this, Russia has started efforts to end the Ukraine war through a back door. During his visit to New York, Sergei interacted with three former US security officials. In this, there was also a discussion about the Ukrainian areas occupied by Russia.

According to NBC’s report, former officer Richard Haas has held talks on behalf of the US. Richard is also the President of the Council on Foreign Relations. Apart from these, European affairs expert Charles Kupchan and Russia affairs expert Thomas Graham were also part of the conversation. Both have retired from the White House and the Foreign Ministry. According to media reports, US President Joe Biden is also aware of this conversation. However, the White House is currently distancing itself from it. At the same time, Russia rejected this claim.

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