Morocco Earthquake: What is tectonic plate? Morocco became cemetery

Morocco earthquake

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Morocco caused massive devastation, resulting in over 2100 deaths. The earthquake’s intensity and distance from the surface were two major reasons for the disaster.

The earthquake’s intensity was 6.8 on the Richter scale, with its epicentre 18 kilometres below the earth in Ighil, Al Hauz province. The distance from the centre to the surface was less, causing the earthquake to be more intense. An aftershock of 4.9 magnitude further impacted the area. The tremors were felt in Portugal and Algeria.

Morocco is situated on the Atlas Mountains fault line, where seven tectonic plates collide, causing energy to escape and causing an earthquake. The closer the epicentre is to the surface, the greater the devastation. Since Morocco lies on the Atlas Fault, the risk of earthquakes remains high. However, level 6 and level 5 earthquakes do not usually occur in Morocco, causing much devastation.

The United States Geological Survey reports that this is the most powerful earthquake to hit North Africa in the last 120 years. In 1960, a 5.8-magnitude earthquake occurred near the city of Agadir, killing thousands of people. In 2004, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake near the Mediterranean coastal city of Al Hoceima killed over 600 people.

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