Pakistan Embassy building in US for sale

Pakistan Embassy US


The Pakistan Embassy building in Washington, USA has been prepared for sale. According to a report in Pakistan’s newspaper The Dawn, the highest bid for this building has been placed by an Israeli group, followed by India. Interestingly, Pakistan’s real estate group is at number three.

Who bid how much

The Israeli group has bid $6.8 million for the Pakistani embassy. On the other hand, a bid of 5 million dollars has been made by the group of India.

Talk if the Pakistani group with a bid of four million dollars is at number three. According to the report, the Israeli group wants to build a Jewish site on the embassy building.

The building that is being sold was once the office of the US Department of Defense. From 1950 to 2000, the US Department of Defense operated from here.

The building was lying vacant

The diplomatic permanent status of this building ended in the year 2018. But this building was lying vacant and therefore the Pakistani government had to pay local tax for it. It is believed that facing the economic crisis, Pakistan has decided to sell this embassy with great difficulty.

Embassy officials said the building is one of three more diplomatic properties located in Washington. The building is located on Washington’s posh and prestigious R Street. According to a Pakistani official, this tradition has to be followed as it will enhance our credibility in America. The embassy has never been renovated.

Cabinet approved

The officials, after consultation, will decide whether to sell this building after some repairs or to sell it as it is. According to officials, they are not in any hurry. The deal will happen only when Pakistan sees some benefit. It has been approved by the cabinet of Shahbaz government of Pakistan. Pakistan currently has a debt of 60 trillion and this is a new record.

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