Peru Rescue 23 Afghans from Migrant Traffickers

Peruvian authorities have rescued 23 Afghans from migrant Traffickers on the border with Brazil

Lima, Peru

Peruvian authorities have rescued 23 Afghans from migrant Traffickers on the border with Brazil, according to the Office of the Attorney General of Peru.

Those migrants trying to get to Ecuador paid human traffickers to take them across the country and to the northern border, prosecutors said.

But in the village of Inapari in the Madre de Dios department on the Peru-Brazil border, they cheated and left their money in a house, according to a statement issued by the public prosecutor’s office. It is mentioned in the statement that they were all left in one house without providing food and proper accommodation.

According to the office of the attorney general, four children including a two-month-old baby died there. Prosecutors have not said how much the migrants paid the smugglers.

Before going to the city of Tumbes, near Peru’s northern border with Ecuador, the Afghans were believed to be transferred to a regional city and then to the capital, Lima.

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