Taliban spokesman

Taliban Condemns Pakistan’s Threat to Expel Afghan Refugees: Refugees Pose No Security Threat

The Taliban, who now control Afghanistan, have expressed their disapproval of Pakistan's plan to repatriate millions of Afghan refugees from its soil. The Afghan refugee crisis has persisted for decades, with Pakistan hosting one of the world's largest populations of...
China-Afghanistan Taliban

China’s Diplomatic Ties with Taliban: Friendship or Geopolitical Maneuver?

As the US and NATO withdraw troops from Afghanistan, the world is focused on the evolving dynamics in the war-torn nation. China, a rising global power, is keenly interested in the region's future and has significantly changed its engagement with...

Halting the Taliban’s Assault on Women: A Feasible Endeavor?

Kabul, Afghanistan The Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan has raised concerns about the potential for a more inclusive government and the continuation of the group's assault on women's rights. The Taliban's history of oppressive laws and confinement to homes...

Police Eradicate Hashish Fields in Eastern Afghanistan

Jalalabad, Afghanistan The Afghan police have destroyed 23 acres of hashish in Nangarhar province and 2,070 acres in neighboring Paktia province. The operation began in Achin district and aims to prevent the cultivation of illegal crops. The Afghan caretaker government...
China-Afghanistan Taliban

China’s Afghan Diplomatic Push: Impact on Regional Stability

China's diplomatic еfforts in Afghanistan arе еxpеctеd to significantly altеr thе gеopolitical landscapе in thе rеgion. Thе country's movе is drivеn by its dеsirе to protеct its stratеgic intеrеsts, promotе rеgional stability, and capitalizе on еconomic opportunitiеs. Thе withdrawal of...

Why Has Afghanistan Bеcomе a Sanctuary for Jihadist Groups?

Kabul, Afghanistan Thе withdrawal of Unitеd Statеs and NATO forcеs from Afghanistan has lеd to an alarming rеsurgеncе of Afghanistan as a sanctuary for jihadist groups. Thе country, oncе a hub for global countеrtеrrorism еfforts, is now at thе crossroads...
Taliban Afghanistan

Afghanistan is escalating into civil war due to factionalism between Taliban: Former Army chief

A former Afghan commander, Lieutenant General Haibatullah Alizai, has warned that Afghanistan is heading towards civil war due to the division of the Taliban into different factions. The country is becoming a haven for foreign terrorists, and Alizai believes that...

India provided 50 thousand metric tons grains and 200 tons medicines to Afghanistan

India, a close historical civilization, has expressed its support for peace and stability in Afghanistan and oversees human rights development work. India has sent 50,000 metric tons of grains, 28 tons of disaster relief packages, 200 tons of medicines, vaccines,...
Drinking water crisis Afghanistan

Taliban interference hinders humanitarian aid beneficiaries in 2023

Kabul The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has identified Taliban interference in humanitarian aid as a significant obstacle in the distribution of aid to the Afghan people in need. SIGAR's quarterly report to the US Congress revealed...
Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani

Iranian delegation addresses Taliban water rights issue in Afghanistan

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani announced that an Iranian delegation is visiting Kabul to discuss water rights with Taliban representatives. The 11-member delegation from Tehran has visited Afghanistan to address the issue, as tensions have risen between Afghanistan and...
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