Anwar Ibrahim- Malaysia

Anwar Ibrahim and Reformasi Promise

Anwar Ibrahim's rise to power as Malaysia's Prime Minister in late 2022 was marked by a sense of triumph among reformists. After decades of political struggle, imprisonment, and perseverance, his electoral victory seemed to signify a turning point for Malaysia's...

Malaysia Path to Sustainable Transformation: Green Transition Under Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

As the green transition takes on greater significance around the world, policymakers, industry players, and other stakeholders are changing the way they look at economic priorities. Malaysia, under Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, has embarked on its own path to sustainable...
Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

Malaysian PM: China’s Reassurance Eases Tensions over Controversial South China Sea Map

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has confirmed that China has assured him that it will continue to negotiate with Southeast Asian countries over disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea, avoiding actions that risk escalation. This...