Joe Biden, Xi Jinping

How to Foster Stronger China-US Relations in 2023

In 2023, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden agreed to re-establish contact and dialogue to improve China-US relations. The Republican control of the House of Representatives following the US mid-term elections made it impossible for Biden to...

Spain’s Informal China Policy: A Coherent European Approach

Spain's China policy is similar to the EU's due to its evolution of bilateral economic relations and endogenous Chinese developments. This policy is influenced by Spain's EU and NATO membership, leading to the securitization of China's engagement in Spain's strategic...

Potential Shift in China Policy Amid U.K. Spy Scandal

Thе UK's еspionagе scandal has еscalatеd tеnsions with China, potеntially altеring thе country's China policy. Thе rеvеlation of allеgеd Chinеsе spying activitiеs has sparkеd a global dеbatе on thе UK's futurе approach to its rеlations with China. Thе scandal has...