Europеan Union (EU)

Georgia’s EU Membership: A Path Filled with Challenges

Georgia's application for EU membership has been fast-tracked by the EU, expressing support for Eastern European and Caucasian nations facing Russian aggression. However, challenges persist in Georgia's potential membership, not only from Russia but also from within. Georgia's political elites...

Hungary’s 2024 Elections and EU Presidency

In 2024, Hungary's Fidesz-led government faces a test in its political and social endurance as the opposition faces challenges such as inflation, economic stagnation, and growing international isolation. The country will celebrate 25 years of NATO and 20 years of...

Turkey’s EU Membership Bid: End of the Road?

Turkey's bid to join the European Union (EU) has been a long-standing process, beginning in 1987 when it applied to join the European Economic Community. However, negotiations have been fraught with complexities, with key hurdles such as the Cyprus dispute...