china-laos railway

China’s Debt Dominance: Laos Faces Unprecedented Economic Subjugation, Global Concern Grows

In recent years, Laos, a key ally of China in Asia, has faced a severe debt crisis due to substantial loans from Beijing. The country disclosed a near doubling of its foreign debt obligations and requested further delays to avoid...

Laos’ Critical Debt Level with China: Opaque Payment Situation

Vientiane, Laos Laos, a Southeast Asian nation, is facing a significant debt level primarily owed to China, raising concerns both domestically and internationally. The opacity surrounding repayment terms and potential implications for national sovereignty have become increasingly evident. Laos faces...

Strengthening Intra-ASEAN Ties for Regional Growth

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is focusing on strengthening its intra-regional ties to promote stability, prosperity, and resilience in a rapidly changing global landscape. As regional dynamics evolve, the need for ASEAN member nations to strengthen cooperation within...
South East Asia

South East Asia Map

Southeast Asia is a region located in the southeastern part of Asia, consisting of 11 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The region is located between the Indian Ocean and the...
How is brown cloud upsc in Asia?

How is brown cloud in Asia?

The "Asian Brown Cloud" is a significant environmental issue in Asia, The environment and ecology, air pollution, or regional studies. The cloud is composed of particulate matter and other pollutants from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, biomass, and...

What is ASEAN? ASEAN is doing in security and foreign policy !

The whole world is divided into small and big countries These countries are developing according to their own capacity, some countries have already developed and some are developing. All these countries form a group of some countries for their own...