SCO anti-terrorism exercise

SCO First Joint Anti-Terrorism Drill: A Unified Front Against Global Terrorism

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) recently held its inaugural joint anti-terrorism drill in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, marking a significant milestone in the organization's efforts to combat global terrorism. The large-scale exercise, named Anti-terrorism Interaction-2024, featured live forces...
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party

Pakistan Enforces Ban on PTI; Imran Khan’s Supporters Rally Against Decision

In a significant political development, the government of Pakistan has announced that it will ban the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, which is led by the imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan, on the grounds of alleged involvement in anti-state activities....
Nuclear-Armed JF-17

Nuclear-Armed JF-17: Pakistan’s Move Rattles South Asian Security Landscape

A recent US report has unveiled that Pakistan’s JF-17 ‘Thunder’ fighter jets have been seen carrying the Hatf-VIII Ra’ad, an air-launched cruise missile (ALCM). This development signifies a notable shift in Pakistan's strategic capabilities and raises pertinent questions about the...
Khawaja Asif-Pakistan

Pakistan’s Defence Minister Declares Continued Strikes in Afghanistan

Pakistan will persist in its military operations across the border in Afghanistan as part of a renewed strategy to combat terrorism, according to the country’s Defence Minister Khawaja Asif. The ongoing aerial strikes are aimed at groups that Pakistan accuses...
Pakistani Police Use Tear Gas to Dis disperse a Pre-Election Rally

Pakistani Police Use Tear Gas to Dis disperse a Pre-Election Rally

Pakistani police fired tear gas at supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Karachi, Pakistan, less than two weeks before a national parliamentary election. Around 20-30 people were arrested at the rally, with a dozen workers from Khan's party...
Kashmir India

Militancy in J&K: An Annual Review of Security Challenges

The Indian army chief and home minister have both claimed that militancy in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) is under control, but the reality is different. In 2023, the J&K Police reported 14 targeted attacks on civilians and 76 militants killed,...

Iran’s Decision to Provoke Pakistan

The recent escalation of tensions between Iran and Pakistan has raised concerns about regional stability. The catalyst for the recent conflict is an Iranian cross-border attack on alleged terrorist hideouts in Pakistan's Balochistan province. The Iranian foreign minister's move was...
karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan’s New Government to Revitalize Economy

Pakistan is grappling with a severe economic downturn, high unemployment, and political instability. The country's economic and social issues are largely attributed to the Pakistan Democratic Movement coalition government's election year policies, such as exchange rate caps and import controls,...

Iran-Pakistan Relations in Regional Security

The Iran-Pakistan border has been a notorious area for smuggling, human trafficking, narcotics trade, and the movement of insurgents and terrorists. Despite this, both countries have managed to maintain engagement and set up mechanisms to address the terrorism issue. On...
Iran airstrikes

What Are the Motivations behind Iran and Pakistan’s Airstrikes?

Iran and Pakistan have launched airstrikes that killed at least 11 people, escalating tensions between the two countries. The strikes were aimed at insurgent groups aiming for an independent Baluchistan for ethnic Baluch areas in Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The...
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