G7 Country

The G7: Emerging as a Global Power Player

The Group of Seven (G7), a global powerhouse, has emerged as a key player in addressing global issues. Originally established as an economic forum in the 1970s, the G-7 has evolved to address various global issues, cementing its position as...
g20 summit 2023- India

Is G20 Summit happening in India?

Thе G20 summit, an annual gathеring of lеadеrs from thе world's 20 largеst еconomiеs, is sеt to takе placе in India in 2023. India, a mеmbеr of thе G20 sincе 1999, is sеt to host thе еvеnt for thе first...
US military

US military powerful strongest in world

The United States has the strongest military power in the world. Russia and China are in second and third place and India is in fourth place. According to Global Firepower, a data website that tracks global defence information, The military...
Map of Europe and Asia

Map of Europe and Asia

Map of Europe and Asia are two of the seven continents on Earth. They are located in the eastern hemisphere, with Europe to the west of Asia. The boundary between these two continents is not well-defined, and there are different...
Xi Jinping

Explained: Why Is China’s economic rise So Fast?

China's shrinking demographic advantage and economic strength and expanding strategic ambitions have created a geopolitical risk situation. In January, China officially admitted that its population had started to decline last year. This is nine years earlier than projected by Chinese...
Japan passports

world’s powerful passports ranking 2023!

Japan's passports ranked 2023 as the world’s most powerful passports, with Singapore and South Korea tied for second place. In the Henley Passport Index rankings, Japan's received a visa-free score of 193, meaning that Japanese passport holders can travel to...