Threat of terrorist organizations in US

United States -US

The US has taken major action against supporters of terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the Maldives. According to a report, the US has sanctioned 20 individuals and 29 companies for providing financial support to terrorist organizations in the Maldives. India and Maldives have intense relations.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said on Monday that many of those sanctioned were involved in planning attacks on journalists and local officials.  Will continue to block and disrupt aid. The US Treasury and State Departments have sanctioned 18 ISIS and ISIS-Khorasan (ISIS-K) facilitators and two al-Qaeda operatives in the Maldives, as well as 29 affiliated companies.

The name of Mohammad Amin has also been added to the list of banned persons, who is accused of recruiting for ISIS-K. It is believed to be one of ISIS’s main recruiters. Mohammad Amin was designated a terrorist by the US in 2019. US State Department spokesman Miller said that the United States is actively fighting these networks that support these terrorist organizations both locally and internationally. Committed to combating these as well as combating the threats arising out of them.

The US aims to deprive the terrorist organization of the money and resources to carry out attacks. The new sanctions also include names of participants in a Maldives-based cartel that seeks to finance ISIS activities and identify potential members. Helped prepare for deployment to conflict zones.

Brian Nelson, Under Secretary of State for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, said the United States remains committed to denying these terrorist support networks funding and resources, and to countering the threats they pose locally and internationally.

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