U.S.-China Arms Race: Xi Jinping Signals PLA Rocket Force’s Readiness for New-Age Conflict as U.S. Navy Raises Red Flags

China’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Missile Firings (ICBM)

Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the need for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force to significantly enhance its “deterrence and combat capabilities” On October 19, 2024, This directive comes at a crucial time, with the Rocket Force embroiled in corruption scandals that have shaken public confidence in its leadership and raised concerns about its operational readiness.

Xi Jinping’s inspection of one of the Rocket Force brigades underscored the strategic importance of this elite military unit, especially in light of the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) broader objectives to bolster national defense. Xi, who serves as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), stressed the necessity for the Rocket Force to fully embrace its responsibilities, meeting the expectations of both the CPC and the Chinese populace.

Xi’s call for reform is rooted in the belief that the PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) must evolve in response to the shifting dynamics of modern warfare. He pointed out that the Rocket Force should prioritize its capacity to adapt to new combat missions, anticipate potential adversaries’ strategies, and adjust to the evolving operational environment. This strategic shift involves not only refining the Rocket Force’s capabilities in conventional warfare but also developing advanced tactics and technologies to remain effective across a range of combat scenarios, including both traditional and emerging threats.

“Focus on evolving threats and missions,” Xi stated during his inspection, emphasizing that China’s security environment is increasingly complex, with multiple global rivals, notably the United States, enhancing their military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region.

Xi’s inspection came on the heels of a significant event: the PLA Rocket Force’s first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in 44 years, conducted in September 2024. The ICBM was launched into the Pacific Ocean, underscoring China’s determination to boost its strategic deterrence capabilities amid growing global tensions. This test is part of China’s broader effort to fortify its defense posture and send a clear message about its expanding military reach and readiness.

The PLARF, formed in 2015 as part of Xi Jinping’s military reforms, plays a pivotal role in China’s national defense strategy. It is tasked with overseeing the country’s nuclear arsenal and maintaining a credible deterrent against potential adversaries. According to China’s 2019 defense white paper, the PLA’s overall size has decreased, but the PLARF has grown significantly, reflecting its critical function in safeguarding China’s sovereignty and security.

The PLARF’s influence extends well beyond China’s borders. Its responsibilities encompass strategic deterrence, disabling enemy air defenses, and preventing hostile forces from entering Chinese territory. With a geographic focus that spans the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and broader regional security concerns, the Rocket Force also plays a pivotal role in China’s defense strategy regarding its neighbors, including India, and global rivals such as the United States.

The Rocket Force’s missile arsenal is often referred to as “carrier killers” because of their ability to target US naval aircraft carriers, a major threat to US military presence in the Indo-Pacific region. This view was reinforced by Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, who identified the PLARF as one of the most significant threats to US naval operations in the region. The US Navy is continuously engaged in developing new tactics and strategies to counter China’s rapidly advancing missile capabilities.

In recent years, the PLA Rocket Force has undergone considerable expansion, particularly regarding its nuclear capabilities. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) estimates suggest that by 2030, China’s stockpile of ICBMs could surpass those of Russia and the United States. In 2023 alone, China was reported to have increased its nuclear warhead count to around 500, reflecting the nation’s sustained focus on building a robust and modernized nuclear force.

The rare ICBM test in September 2024 was a stark reminder of the Rocket Force’s evolving capabilities and a public demonstration of its readiness to confront any potential security threats. As global powers closely watch China’s military developments, the country’s continued expansion in both conventional and nuclear missile systems sends a powerful signal of its ambitions on the world stage.

Xi’s renewed focus on the Rocket Force’s combat capabilities comes at a time when the unit is grappling with internal challenges. Since 2023, the PLA Rocket Force has been mired in a series of high-profile corruption scandals, leading to the removal of several top officials. These scandals have exposed deep-rooted issues within the organization and raised questions about the loyalty and integrity of its leadership.

One of the most significant figures to fall from grace in the ongoing crackdown is Xiao Longxu, a prominent missile scientist and former chief engineer at the Rocket Force’s top research institute. He was expelled from the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), signaling his dramatic fall in political stature. Another major figure implicated is Wei Fenghe, a former Rocket Force commander who also served as defense minister. Wei’s investigation is part of a broader probe targeting multiple high-ranking officials in China’s military establishment.

The most notable event occurred in June 2023, when Commander Li Yuchao, Commissar Xu Zhongbo, and their deputies, Liu Guangbin and Zhang Zhenzhong, were all dismissed from their posts. Reports indicate that Li Yuchao’s dismissal may be linked to allegations that his son leaked sensitive government information to the United States while studying abroad.

Further deepening the scandal, the mysterious death of Wu Guohua, a former deputy commander of the Rocket Force, in July 2023 raised suspicions. Officially attributed to illness, rumors circulated that his death may have been a suicide related to the corruption investigations, further fueling controversy surrounding the integrity of the Rocket Force.

The corruption scandals within the Rocket Force have sparked concerns about the unit’s operational stability and long-term effectiveness. Despite Xi Jinping’s significant investments in modernizing the PLA, these recent events suggest that the Rocket Force is not immune to the pervasive corruption that has plagued other sectors of the Chinese government. This has called into question whether the unit can maintain its strategic edge amid internal upheavals.

The political insecurity surrounding the Rocket Force’s leadership has also raised questions about the CPC’s ability to ensure the loyalty and competence of its military elites. With allegations of espionage, embezzlement, and misconduct emerging, the perception of the Rocket Force as a highly disciplined and loyal wing of the Chinese military has been severely tarnished.

Xi Jinping’s ongoing anti-corruption campaign within the PLA is not limited to the Rocket Force but reflects a broader effort to rid the military of corrupt influences. Since 2012, Xi has made anti-corruption one of his top priorities, both in the government and the military, removing hundreds of officials from key positions. The goal is to ensure the PLA remains loyal to the CPC and functions efficiently as a modern fighting force.

These scandals, however, highlight the difficulty of reforming such a vast and complex military apparatus. While Xi has overseen the rapid modernization and expansion of the Rocket Force, the leadership purge reveals underlying issues that threaten to undermine its operational effectiveness. In the face of these challenges, Xi’s visit to the Rocket Force brigade and his directive for enhancing its combat capabilities signal his determination to steer the unit back on course.

As China continues to assert itself as a global military power, the performance and integrity of the PLA Rocket Force will remain critical to the country’s defense strategy. Xi’s call for enhanced deterrence and combat readiness reflects China’s broader ambitions to protect its national interests and assert its influence on the international stage.

The combination of corruption scandals, leadership purges, and an aggressive anti-corruption campaign suggests that China’s military transformation is far from complete. However, Xi’s strong leadership and focus on ensuring the PLA Rocket Force remains capable and loyal are likely to have far-reaching implications for China’s military future.

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