The United States congressional top leaders, both Democrats and Republicans, remain committed to unconditional support for Israel. This is likely due to ongoing war-related protests and the majority of Americans opposing the US sending weapons and supplies to Israel. A resolution being considered in the House of Representatives suggests that criticism of Israel is antisemitic, as it suggests that those who criticize Israel are not noninterventionists, peace advocates, constitutionalists, humanitarians, fiscal conservatives, or other admirable intentions but are all antisemites.
The resolution, H.Res. 888, declares that the House of Representatives reaffirms Israel’s right to exist and recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism. This statement is strange, as the Declaration of Independence explained the view of American founders regarding any purported right of a government to exist, which is the dominant right of a government to exist in perpetuity no matter whether it protects, neglects, or undermines individual rights.
Americans are not the only people to abolish and replace their government, as history has shown that there are many other motivations that lead people to support revolutionary objectives. The antisemitism claim is groundless, as history has shown that there are many other motivations that lead people to support revolutionary objectives.
The resolution condemning the Israel government aims to reach beyond those advocating for its abolition and replacement. Supporters of the Israel government believe that actions taken in the name of national security are inherently aimed at protecting its right to exist. Criticizing the Israel government can be seen as defying and threatening Israel’s existence, thereby divorcing the “antisemitism” label from anything related to ancestry or religion. Israel supporters and the US government, reevaluating US support for Israel and promoting a more inclusive society.