The dispute between the US and China in the South China Sea has deepened again. China has claimed that it has driven a United States warship from Chinese waters in the South China Sea. China’s claim has been denied by the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy. The US Navy has said that there is no truth in China’s claim and that US warships are continuing military operations in the South China Sea. Even before this, American warships, fighter planes and aircraft carriers have come face to face in this area. America claims that it is opposing China’s expansionist plans. In such a situation, according to international law, the US Navy will continue its patrolling and ensure free shipping.
The United States has a strong military presence in the South China Sea, which is a strategically important region in Southeast Asia. The US Navy often conducts freedom of navigation operations in the region, which involves sailing through waters that China claims as its territorial waters to demonstrate that they are international waters open to all nations. These operations have been a point of tension between the US and China, which has claimed sovereignty over much of the South China Sea and built military installations on artificial islands in the region.
The United States denied the Chinese claim
The US Navy has denied this claim of China. A spokesman for the US Navy’s Seventh Fleet said the USS Milius guided-missile destroyer was conducting routine operations in the South China Sea and had not been fired. The United States will continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows.
China said – we chased the United States warship
A spokesman for the regional command of the People’s Liberation Army said that on March 23, the US guided-missile destroyer USS Milius illegally entered China’s territorial waters near the Xisha Islands without permission from the Chinese government. The Shisha Islands, south of Hainan, are known in Vietnam as the Hoang Sa Archipelago and in English as the Paracel Islands.
China said- our forces are always ready
The Chinese spokesman said that the naval and air forces of the Chinese PLA Southern Theater Command monitored the entire process and warned the US destroyer to stay away from its territorial waters by the law for peace and stability in the region.
The Chinese Navy spokesman stressed that PLA Southern Theater Command troops will always be on high alert and take all necessary measures to safeguard China’s national sovereignty and security as well as peace and stability in the South China Sea.
What is the US position on South China Sea disputes?
The US position on the South China Sea disputes is that it supports freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, and that maritime disputes should be resolved peacefully and by international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The US has expressed concern over China’s assertive claims and actions in the South China Sea, including its construction of military installations on disputed islands, and has urged all parties to avoid provocative actions that could escalate tensions.
The US has also conducted freedom of navigation operations in the region to assert its position that the South China Sea should remain open to international navigation and to challenge China’s excessive territorial claims. The US has also encouraged ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and China to work together to develop a code of conduct that would establish rules for behaviour in the South China Sea.
Does the United States patrol the South China Sea?
The United States patrols the South China Sea as part of its regular military operations in the region. The US Navy regularly conducts freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, which involved sailing through disputed waters to assert that they are international waters open to all nations.
These operations are intended to demonstrate that the US will not recognize excessive territorial claims by any country and that it is committed to maintaining freedom of navigation in the region. In addition, the US conducts joint military exercises with its allies in the region, including Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, to maintain a strong presence and deter any potential aggression in the South China Sea.
What is the current issue over the South China Sea?
The current issues over the South China Sea are primarily related to territorial disputes between China and several Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. China claims sovereignty over much of the South China Sea and has built military installations on artificial islands in the region, which has raised concerns among other countries in the region and the international community.
In addition, there have been ongoing tensions between the US and China over freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The US has been conducting regular patrols in the region to assert its position that the South China Sea is international waters open to all nations, while China has objected to these patrols and has sought to assert greater control over the region. These tensions have contributed to a broader geopolitical rivalry between the US and China, which has been characterized by competition over economic, military, and technological influence in the region.