Boat Capsizes Congo’s northwest, 27 Dead and Dozens Missing

boat capsize


A boat capsized in Congo’s northwest, killing at least 27 people and leaving over 70 others missing. The boat, made in Equateur Province, was carrying over 100 passengers along the Congo River to Bolomba.

The New Civil Society of Congo reported that 49 people died in the accident, which occurred after an engine failure. Rescuers are searching for survivors and 27 bodies have been removed from the waters. An investigation into the cause of the accident has begun.

The New Civil Society of Congo is investigating the incident. The Congolese government has banned night travel to avoid accidents, but many people still defy the directive. The contradictory death tolls in such incidents in Congo cannot be reconciled, and volunteers are joining rescuers in the search for survivors and bodies.

Boat accidents are common on the Congo River and its lakes due to the use of makeshift boats that are often overloaded. The majority of the population in the northwest uses the rivers for travel due to poor roads and cost.

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