Chinese jack-up barges on beach at Nansan Island, off Zhanjiang. Note different sets of legs, reduced draft on first barge, extendable platforms on structures left and centre.

China’s Amphibious Bridging Systems: A Technological Marvel or a Military Threat to Taiwan?

Satellite and ground imagery recently shared on social media have revealed a new system of Chinese amphibious bridging barges, likely designed to support large-scale amphibious operations targeting Taiwan. Naval News provides an analysis of these developments, detailing their design and...
Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Sail Training Warship

Sri Lanka’s Decision to Allow Chinese Navy Training Ship Sparks Geopolitical Tensions in Indian Ocean

In a move poised to reignite geopolitical tensions in the Indian Ocean region, Sri Lanka has allowed the Chinese Navy training ship, Po Lang, to dock at its Colombo port. This development comes despite a 12-month moratorium on foreign research...
Chinese Navy's Typе 054A frigatе

10 Facts About thе Chinese Navy’s Typе 054A frigatе

China is modеrnizing its naval forcеs to sеcurе its maritimе intеrеsts in thе facе of еvolving global gеopolitical dynamics. Thе Pеoplе's Libеration Army Navy (PLAN) has addеd thе Typе 054 frigatе, a vеrsatilе and capablе vеssеl. This advancеmеnt in China's...