Is UNRWA’s Treatment of Palestinians Fair in Light of Guilty Verdict?

The US and Israel have accused UNRWA staff of participating in Hamas' attack on the Jewish state, raising questions beyond UNRWA's potential culpability. The allegations have yet to be substantiated, and the halt in UNRWA funding by ten Western countries...
Israel Defense Forces (IDF), take position during ground operations at a location given as Gaza

Israel-Hamas Conflict: Gauging the Winners and Losers

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in the deaths of over 22,000 Palestinians and 1,200 Israelis, with 85% of Gazans displaced and a quarter facing a famine. The conflict has a long way to run and may be headed...

How to Differentiate Between Legitimate Combat and Inadmissible Violence in the Israel-Hamas Conflict

The ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestinian armed groups, particularly Hamas, has raised significant humanitarian concerns, with the civilian population of nearly two million Palestinians in a state of siege. The conflict has resulted in numerous casualties, aid...

Gaza’s Soaring Death Toll: Hospitals Overwhelmed, Lives at Stake

The Palestinian death toll from Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has reached 2,400, with the number of Palestinians killed in Israeli air attacks revised to 2,329, and the number of wounded to 9,042. This death toll surpasses that of...
Gaza City

Mass Exodus: Palestinians Flee as Israel Demands 1M Evacuate Amid Looming Ground Assault

JERUSALEM Palestinians have fled northern Gaza after Israel's military ordered 1 million people to evacuate to the southern part of the besieged territory in retaliation for a surprise attack by the ruling Hamas militant group. The U.N. warned that directing...
Israeli-Palestinian conflict

EU’s Diplomatic Call: Message to Lebanon and Palestinian Authority to Stay Out, Says Israel Envoy

The Israeli ambassador to the EU and NATO, Haim Regev, has urged the EU to convey a message to Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority to stay out of Israel's fight in Gaza. The EU should warn Israel's neighbours not to...
Iran Nuclear Power

Iran’s Nuclear Power: Acrimonious Confrontation

Iran's nuclear capabilities are advancing, raising concerns about the potential for nuclear weapons development. Despite diplomatic negotiations and economic sanctions, Iran continues to pursue its nuclear program. The US administration's efforts to revive the Iran nuclear deal are uncertain, and...
Israeli soldiers

Israeli Military Kills Six Palestinians in 24-Hour

Gaza Israeli military fire has resulted in six Palestinian deaths and dozens of injuries in three separate incidents in the occupied West Bank and Gaza over the past 24 hours. Israeli military fire has resulted in six Palestinian deaths and...
Israeli soldiers

Israeli forces kill 3 armed Palestinians

Jerusalem Israel has said that its troops have killed three armed Palestinians in the West Bank after they were about to launch an attack against Israelis. Soldiers and agents of the Shin Bet internal security agency "thwarted a terrorist group"...
Israeli soldiers

Israeli forces kill 2 Palestinians in occupied West Bank

West Bank Israeli forces executed 2 wanted Palestinians in a flashpoint town in the occupied West Bank on Friday, days after Israel carried out a major two-day offensive to crack down on militants. The continuing violence raised questions about the...
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