Who is China’s new foreign minister, Qin Gang?

China foreign minister Qin Gang

China’s ambassador to America, Qin Gang, has been appointed as the new foreign minister. He is considered close to President Xi Jinping. Qin Gang is famous as a very strict diplomat.

Qin Gang, who is famous as a diplomat who answers bricks with stones, has been appointed as the new foreign minister of China. Qin Gang, 56, who was appointed to the ministerial post on Friday, replaces Wang Yi, who had been in charge of the country’s foreign policy since 2013.

China was sent as the country’s ambassador to America last year and he was entrusted with the responsibility of bringing the relations with America back on track. He is known as a ‘Wolf Warrior’, i.e. a diplomat who responds very strictly to any criticism of China. This name is given to those Chinese diplomats who have a very strict attitude towards Western countries.

In 2020, Qin Gang said that China’s image in the West is bad because Europe and America, especially the media there, could not accept China’s political system, especially its economic development.

Chin is a member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party. He is saying that China is a victim of the West’s opium wars in the 19th century. The kind of view he presents about China is not even influenced by the roots of western politics and culture.

Trees about west

Qin Gang, proficient in English, worked very actively in America. He registered his presence in the media and other public places and wherever he got a chance, he placed the Chinese tree in front of the people. The Chinese know very well what to say to foreigners. Before being sent to America, he was also the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Qin Gang is a resident of the country’s northeastern city of Tiazin. He has been working with President Xi Jinping for a long time. He has a long interest in foreign affairs. Before 2018, he was in the protocol department of the Ministry of External Affairs. In 2018 and last year too, he also played the role of Deputy Foreign Minister.

Chin’s appointment can be seen as a strategic move by Xi Jinping. Foreign Minister of America, Antony Blinken is preparing to visit China soon. A US State Department spokesman said on China’s appointment that the US “looks forward to maintaining a constructive relationship with China in its new role.”

Opinions about other countries

Qin Gang has written an article in an American magazine ‘The National Interest’ in which he also talked about improving relations with India. In this article, he has explained how China sees the world. Referring to the India-China border dispute, he writes that “Both sides are keen to reduce tensions and maintain peace on the border.”

The relationship between India and China is currently very tense. In 2020 in Galwan in the north and last year in Tawang in Arunachal, there have been deadly clashes between the soldiers of the two countries. What steps were to be taken?

In his article, Chin writes, “China’s development means a stronger force for peace, not a force that wants to disrupt the status quo. China did not disrupt the status quo to create tension in the Taiwan Strait. Talk of Taiwan’s independence has been driven by internal and external forces that are challenging the status quo of ‘One China’.”

China also made similar accusations against Japan. He said that in the East China Sea, Japan tried to nationalize Diagyo Dao Island ten years ago, which broke the status quo between China and Japan.

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In a statement, the US State Department said, “The United States will keep a dialogue open with China and will continue to manage the relationship between the two countries in a responsible manner.”

US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken has spoken to China on the phone. About this, Blinken wrote on Twitter, “I spoke on the phone with China’s newly appointed Foreign Minister Qin Gang, who is leaving Washington for his new role. We talked about US-China relations and keeping the lines of communication open.”

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